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Romania Animal Rescue was awarded 2024 Top Charity status at Check out the reviews we've received from the people we help and have worked with



Leslie Strooband,  Belgium

We had an amazing experience with Romania Animal Rescue, and we can't thank them enough for the kindness and support they showed us and two stray dogs while we were on vacation in Romania. Their incredible work goes beyond just rescuing animals; they truly go the extra mile to ensure every animal gets the help they need.

While staying in Romania, we found a stray dog near our cabin and wanted to help, but weren't sure how. Bringing a dog to Belgium requires proper vaccinations, health checks, and paperwork. We reached out to Romania Animal Rescue, and Nancy Janes, the CEO, responded swiftly. She offered to cover all the vaccinations, paperwork, and health needs for the dog if we were willing to foster it. Her efficiency and willingness to help were heartwarming.

The plan was to take the dog, which we named Gypsy, to their Center of Hope Veterinary Hospital in Piteasca, where their team would take care of everything. They even partnered with another charity, Le Woef, to arrange transportation to the Netherlands, where we would pick up Gypsy and foster him until he found his forever home.

In a twist of fate, the day before we were set to take Gypsy to the hospital, we found an abandoned puppy while motorcycling—a tiny pup we named Biker. She was just a few months old and clearly wouldn't survive on her own. We reached out to Nancy again, hoping she could help us switch plans. She was incredibly understanding and made arrangements for Biker instead, seeing that the puppy needed immediate help. The next day, we brought Biker to the Center of Hope, where Dr. Aurelian Stefan and the team welcomed her (Biker) with open arms.

In the last (rainy) days of our vacation, Gypsy was getting more and more attached to us, and we realized we couldn't leave him behind either. We contacted Nancy one more time, despite it being late at night, asking if we could still bring Gypsy in. Nancy got in touch with Dr. Stefan. They made it happen, and we were able to bring him to the hospital the next day.

Gypsy and Biker both received top-notch care at the Center of Hope. We were updated with pictures, videos, and progress reports, and it was clear how much the staff genuinely cared for their wellbeing. Eventually, both dogs made their way to the Netherlands. By the time we would pick up Biker, Le Woef had already found a family for her, so we only needed to foster Gypsy. Gypsy is still looking for a home.

Nancy, Dr. Stefan, and the entire team at Romania Animal Rescue and the Center of Hope have hearts of gold. They work tirelessly to save countless animals, running large spay/neuter campaigns, educating communities, and providing much-needed medical care—all funded through donations. Their dedication is truly inspiring, and their compassion made all the difference for Gypsy, Biker, and for us as well.

Please consider supporting this incredible organization. Romania Animal Rescue changes lives—both for the animals they save and the people they help. The animals of Romania will be forever grateful for your support!”


Anya K. Price, DVM, USA

I am an American veterinarian and spent two weeks working with the team at Center of Hope in Piteasca. Aurelian had asked that I pass on notes on my experience to your organization.

I wanted to share that I had a very enjoyable experience working with Center of Hope / Romanian Animal Rescue. I had found out about the organization through a Facebook group, Veterinary Volunteer Missions Abroad, and while the reviews were all very positive, I didn't know what to expect. However the team was incredibly kind and welcoming, and oriented me very quickly. I spent my two weeks performing spay/neuter surgeries, and also helping train the students who were there for a weeklong training camp. I was very impressed with how efficiently the team worked, and how everyone had multiple roles in the clinic. I was fortunate enough to join the team for a campaign in a rural village, which was very rewarding and a unique experience for me, and again demonstrated the versatility and flexibility of the RAR team members.


Madalina Nicolae,  Rescuer  -Craiova, Romania

Hello Nancy. Hope you are doing well. I know we haven’t spoke for a while, but I wanted to tell you about the story of Alba, a dog with a sad story, saved thanks to the HAH project and the kind help of RAR offered to romanian dogs.

Alba was a sweet puppy abandoned at only a couple of months old, in the parking area of my workplace. A place at the edge of the Craiova. She was very happy about all the people around there, but as there is not safe for puppies, someone hit her with the car and let her there suffering. She stayed hurt one week, some people saw her suffering but nobody cared until I found out and rushes her to Family Vet. There we were received with a lot of empathy and received the best treatment. Sadly her hind leg was destroyed beyond repair and had to be amputated. Her pain didn’t end there as she started to show other problems also. So we went back for more investigations, X-rays, blood tests, ultrasounds and even a special ultrasound with a heart doctor. As the things didn’t seem to look good, Aurelian recommended a free CT Scan at COH which was decisive in establishing the diagnosis: part of her liver was pushing the lungs and accumulated a lot of life threatening fluid. Another kind help from Ruth (because I don’t have a car and didn’t have the financial possibilities 😞 ) helped Alba arrive to the Hope Center and she got her diagnosis of diaphragmatic hernia.

She went thru a very difficult surgery to fix her problems but she was lucky and now Alba is recovering well in my house, being as happy and friendly as always. 

I didn’t had the money for all this because we have many animals in our care and the little helped is not enough even for food, so Alba became a social case helped by HAH. This meant her life and could be saved also thanks to the dedication of our vets. Thank you so much for making this miracles happen 🙏❤️



Stefania Smoleanu, Veterinarian - Romania

My name is Stefania Smoleanu and I had the chance to be part of the veterinary camp.

I finished the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine last year and I wanted with all my heart to have such an experience, the experience that unfortunately I could not afford. my financial situation is not exactly a good one at this moment, and this chance appeared when I needed it the most.

I love animals, I love what I do and I really want to be a good doctor. During the days I received new information, new techniques and most importantly attention and trust.

On the first day I had many emotions, I was afraid of doing something wrong, I didn't trust myself at all.

No one has ever had so much patience with me and no one has ever given me so much trust. Dr. Aurelian, Dr. Roxana and Dr. Sasha managed to make me a strong doctor in 5 days.

Every day was a new challenge, but with every passing hour I had more confidence in myself. On the last day of the camp I felt super relaxed, the operations went much better.

Besides the wonderful experience I had, I met new people, made friends, everything was perfect, the dinner, the accommodation, the people, I am very grateful for this experience.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for trusting me. I promise not to disappoint you. In  the following days I want to do everything possible to succeed in my wish,  to sterilize as many animals without a master as possible. in the area where I live, there are many abandoned animals, and now I have the opportunity to help them.

I want to do many things, I hope I will be lucky enough to do them.  I am grateful to all of you who trusted me!

Thank you very much!

Diana Dimova · Bulgaria

There is a rare breed of people that go all in . They keep their word, they give it all, they go the extra mile for those they care for, they do what they do with so much passion and devotion and their destiny is bound to the destinies of those who need them. I am happy I know such people and I can’t thank them enough for the outstanding job done at the 10th Spayathon in my hometown  - the Dream team of ASNI. Keep being beautiful, don’t let anything change you and keep up the good work wherever you go. Let’s hope we will meet again real soon! Romania,UK and USA – a bunch of 9 wonderful professionals and volunteers Thank you to each and every one who donates and supports spay and neuter. 224 animals fixed for 3 1/2 days ,hard work but worth every effort.

Like every year, this one was not spared unpleasant comments, all from people who have never been and never will be part of this initiative. I have long had no illusions that the problem with homeless animals will be solved, I even consider it a utopia, because those on whom its solution depends are interested in it's existence. Institutional pressure is an uncertain, slow and frustrating job that is unlikely to ever work, and definitely won’t in the near future. I no longer want to waste energy and energy in this direction to fight the consequences of the lack of control by the institutions, instead of fighting the problem itself.

I think, if we really cared, we should keep our common sense and everyone work where they could benefit. I have chosen my path and I've been following it for many years. I believe deeply in my cause and I do not compromise my conscience. It's a terribly painful process that scares me more than anything, and I would not engage in such self indulgence. I would not push the truth I believe into the heads of others with the foam of my mouth.

TO EVERYONE who believes in this cause, in the team and the people behind this endeavor Thank you! Thank you also to everyone who takes their personal time to volunteer these 3 days, because it's not easy. There is hope that someday something will change, people like you are the proof of that. Those whose trust I have not justified I sincerely apologize!



RAR, your work in Romania has changed the entire world for tens of thousands of animals, for the rescuers at place, for the ones abroad, for adopters, for the entire world! Making a difference, building and putting wheels into motion is not easy, but it will leave trails everywhere.

Thank you for showing everyone there is nothing is in vain, that we're not too small to change this world and that, step by step, the road will become more like what it should be

Asociatia Tora · Bistrita Romania 

We do not have enough words to express what a wonderful job RAR is doing in Romania, and Dr. Aurelian Stefan is an example of amazing skills and dedication. Our vet just returned home today from training with him and goes on and on about how impressed he was with Dr. A's skills and technique, and hopes to meet him again, he is a man you can learn A LOT from. Congratulations for being the best.


Alexandra Schreiter · Dog Rescuer ·  Germany

My name is Alexandra Schreiter, I'm the president of the organization " the homeless dogs ".  We had a spay campaign in 28.05.16 with RAR and they are awesome! They spayed 62 dogs and did a really great job!! Thank you so much again! I hope we will work together again soon!


Alina · Adjud, Romania

When I heard 5 years ago that an American organization do free neutering I thought it was not true, I thought it was some trick. In 2010 I called Mihaela from asoc Tomita in Tecuci, I searched a car and I went with two female to be sterilized. In 2011 I was about 3 campaigns in Tecuci with dogs brought from Adjud.

I wanted so much that this campaigns to be done in Adjud too . In April 2012 my dream came true, I did in Adjud first sterilization campaign ( 90 animals ) .

From 2012 to today I had 9 Adjud sterilization campaigns. This month will be the 10th campaign:) Thank God that there are wonderful people and I had the opportunity to know some of them. It is much more to write but do not know too much English.

Anca, rescuer · Craiova, Romania

A daily problem of Romanian streets is the growing number of dogs and cats. It can be called a problem only because people still do not understand 100% how important it is to spay/neuter your dog or cat due to outdated mentalities, indolence or simply lack of responsibility.

Being involved in rescuing in Romania it is a hard task and all rescuers know how many things they sacrifice in order to help an enormous number of animals. Sometimes at the end of the day you might realize that you were not good enough to help enough animals.

From my point of view, RAR's involvement in what concerns spaying and neutering campaigns was a major step to a new era, to a better life for animals and to a better educated population when it comes to stray dogs and cats. It is overwhelming to know that people thousands of miles away are concerned and actively devoted to help Romania's strays cause, whilst Romanian politicians and common people are focused only on harming, killing dogs and promoting "false solutions" that won't resolve the strays issue, but which will definitely increase their number on streets. Not to mention the insults and even physical aggressions which animals lovers have to endure.

Since RAR started to collaborate with different Romanian NGOs and private persons a big number of spaying and neutering places were used for dogs, cats which used to deliver unwanted pups or kittens annually. These sustained efforts of donating money, mobilizing teams of professional vets, implementing the idea that it is normal to spay your cat, your dog led to a lower number of animals on streets.

I would like to thank all RAR donors and great people involved in this major project! Together we can change lives. We can stop the number of dogs or cats on streets, injured, hurt, thirsty, hungry, ill and so on.

Anda Popescu · Veterinary Tech · Bucharest, Romania

As a member of the staff (vet technician), I can tell you first hand about people's reaction to our work. There isn't a place in Romania where we've been so far, where people aren't happy to see us and express their gratitude.

I see children and young people who are so careful and loving towards their pets and come from miles and miles just so they can give their pets the chance of a healthy life and others who, even thou they haven't been taught to appreciate them at their true value, learn from our example and go home with a different view towards their animals' welfare than before. Often times I heard old people saying "thank God you came and gave us this opportunity, as we are so tired of living in sin, killing the unwanted puppies year after year!"

Being able to help them do the right thing and showing them there is a humane way to handle the overpopulation of dogs and cats in Romania is the true meaning of what we are doing, apart from saving so many animals from torture. I am always happy to see good people caring for their animals in a way that goes beyond financial means or even education; we are also involved in educating the young generation, as we are aware of the responsibility of securing that our work and goals go on even after we are no longer here to see it.

As for our work with the animals, as a vet technician, I am always careful about treating each animal as an individual and adapting my work and my recommendation to the vets according to the animals' needs. I am never far away from the recovery area and no animal is treated with less consideration and care, no matter their breed or where they come from ( owned or stray) and no matter how busy I find myself during a day that may end with more than 100 animals spayed/neutered.

There can be no doubt about the quality of our work, with almost 50.000 spays in Romania and abroad, if animals were getting sick or dying, the world would have found out one way or another. Instead, there are millions of unborn animals spared from a life of pointless suffering and despair.


Ariane Coury Ph.D· RAR Volunteer/Sponsor · Canada

I have known Nancy Janes, RAR and Dr. Aurelian Stefan for over 7 years. I have volunteered twice and I was so impressed that I decided to spend 3 months at The Homeless Animal Centre in 2017-2018. It is a top notch Centre and charity.

The team is amazingly dedicated and highly trained. Their compassion cannot be expressed in words, I had the privilege to witness it on a daily basis for 3 months. No Animal is turned down, each Animal is welcomed with love and compassion. Each Animal is special! 

I sponsor RAR with no reservation as they have made not only a difference in Animal welfare but also RAR has inspired so many people and changed them. 

Bonnie Siddons, RAR Volunteer ·  Virginia, USA

"Clean, warm blankets, volunteers overseeing the recovery of the animals - looks good to me. I have volunteered with RAR in several campaigns, and I am so impressed with what we have accomplished with such limited means. Spay/neuter is the only way to reduce the unwanted animal population in Romania.

I have witnessed dogs spayed/neutered one day come up to greet the volunteers the next day after they have been returned to their habitat. I am proud to be a volunteer with RAR and to have been able to work with the wonderful vets, other professionals and volunteers involved with this organization. I see a solution happening to a problem in Romania."

Christina Babst · California, USA

RAR is doing outstanding work in Romania. they help spay.neuter homeless animals so they are not born in a world where they get poisoned or shot by the authorities.  They also have spay/neuter action in several other countries who asked for help. They also support an animal hospital where animals get treated for free, many of the people in Romania are very poor and couldn't get help for their injured animals.

Claudia Dumitru · Bucharest, Romania

Dr A and all RAR team do an amazing work on s/n in Romania. I had the chance to work with them, helping with the logistics during a mega marathon and I was impressed about their dedication, hard work and professionalism.

On the other hand Dr Aurelian Stefan and his brother Dr Petrisor Stefan are amazing vets, all the time when I have dificult cases in rescue they are the first in my mind and a lot of animals now enjoy their lives thanks to them.

Go RAR and keep doing your work, thousands of puppies didn't born on the streets, TNR is the only way. I also want to thank to Nancy Janes for her help, every time I asked, she helped me in any way.


Cristina Laura ·  Har, Romania

A HUGE THANK YOU to RAR for your help with donations for spays in Tirgoviste, Romania! RAR has financially supported me with spaying strays (dogs and cats) in this small town near Bucharest! Thank you, Nancy Janes and Almavet Team, your work and dedication is amazing!

Please continue to support RAR by donating! Each penny goes to the neutering of strays so that no other unhappy puppies and kittens reach the streets where awful diseases and cruel death awaits them! Please SHARE and DONATE to RAR mission for animal welfare!


CRISTINA PAHARUT · Bucharest, Romania

Intr-adevar meritati tot respectul pentru munca asidua depusa in tot acest timp. Ati reusit, prin daruirea dezinteresata si grija voastra fata de aceste suflete sa le salvati, sa le oferiti necontenit afectiune si in acelasi timp sa le asigurati oamenilor mai multa protectie.Imi imaginez ca aceasta lupta nu este deloc una usoara, necesita o investitie majora de timp si de sentimente, insa consider ca rezultatele sunt pe masura si de asemenea satisfactia personala pe care o simti cand stii ca ai reusit prin daruirea ta sa salvezi suflete. Felicitari!

You truly deserve our respect for your hard work through all this time. You have succeeded, thanks to your selfless dedication, love, and care for saving these animals, for offering them constant affection, and in the meantime, to make sure people are also safe. I can only imagine how tough this fight is for you, requiring a major investment of time and feelings on your part, but I truly believe that the results make it worthwhile and you all feel the personal satisfaction of reaching your goals and succeeding to save so many souls. Congratulations!

DIANA WALD ·  Vrancea County, Romania

This organization has literally changed the destiny of people and animals in our country. Thanks to the wonderful work they do they were able to spay hundreds of dogs on the streets and owned by poor people, so the suffering of many animals was prevented. They are absolute professionals, the techniques they use allow the animals to recover quickly and uneventfully. They do a great job and hopefully, they will continue to help animals in Romania.




My heart broke when I saw the damaged and discarded dog population when I visited Romania in 2017. I wanted to learn more and figure out how I could be part of the solution. In my research I found RAR. I even accompanied them on a "Spayathon" May 2019.

I rejoice in saying that they neutered approx 10,000 animals last year. That means hundreds of thousands not born to suffer. I also see the compassionate care of sick and injured dogs, some homeless that are taken from the streets, and some loved pets of people who cannot afford expensive treatments, neutering, and vaccinations.

The RAR team is professional and compassionate; they do so much every day to make a difference and they will make great strides in eliminating the very sad homeless animal problem in and around Romania.

Gail Barrett, Supporter · USA

Romania Animal Rescue is THE BEST ORGANIZATION I HAVE EVER KNOWN. Its founders, Nancy and Rory, live and breathe for the animals. They have dedicated their lives to the cause. Every cent possible that you donate goes to helping the animals. I know them personally and am intimate with their work. If you want to help the animals, there is NO BETTER ORGANIZATION THAN THIS ONE!



GEORGIANA · Macin, Romania

I volunteered with this organization at the campaign in Măcin last year and I was really impressed by their standards of care for animals. They are very good. This year they spayed 2 of my dogs and 2 cats and they were again very good. They are doing a wonderful job and I hope they continue to come to our part of Romania because we need them so much.


GREG, US MILITARY, Black Sea Area,  Romania

My men and I first came across several of these dogs just outside our base at a local restaurant we frequent. They came to our attention one night when we were eating. One of the dogs was walking across the street and a car hit him. It didn't even slow down. It was a terrible thing for all of us to see. At least the dog died quickly but the sad scene continued the rest of the night. The killed dog's friends wouldn't leave the body for two days. We gave the dogs some food and went back to base. Within a few days they had wandered onto the base and became our unit's little group of mascots. Night after night they hung around outside of our barracks, always waiting for us to come out and play with them, feed them, give them some kind human contact. We became attached to these dogs as we realized how well-behaved and loyal they were to us. Me and two of my men became accustomed to seeing Mama and her little ones waiting for us when we left the gym. They would follow us when walked back to our barracks. They followed us everywhere. We knew we couldn't just leave them in Romania when we leave so my men, my wife, and I began looking into how to send them back to the US. The process was suddenly put into high gear when we found out by happenstance that the dog catchers were coming within the week, but what day we did not know. My wife put us in contact with Nancy and the Romania Animal Rescue. With her help and that of Save the Dogs and Dr. Aurelian, both in Romania, we were able to set up a day to get the dogs out. We were warned by a guard we befriended that the dog catchers would come the next morning. The next day was a race of time that unfortunately we lost. The catchers showed up early and began rounding up all the dogs on the base. The dogs are gentle and affectionate and these "people" were grabbing them with nets and dragging them to the van. They had metal clamps, the same kind used to pick up blocks of ice, but we warned them if they used them on the dogs we would show them how it felt. We got into a minor altercation with them and I spoke with supervisor after supervisor. The Romanian supervisors were understanding and instructed the catchers to leave cages for us so we could put our dogs in them and wait for Save the Dogs to arrive. As I spoke with them I saw Mama standing up against the cage of the van; the back doors were open at the time. She was shaking and looking at me with terrified eyes. I put my hand through the cage and pet her to try and calm her but she and our puppies were scared and confused. Little Red was huddled with her brother and sister. She could have run but came back and barked at the catchers as they took her friends. One of my men tried to scoop her up and another altercation ensued. After the situation calmed a bit all was well until the head of the American civilian contractor running the base's services got involved and told them to stop helping. We had a "discussion" with him but he had not a compassionate bone in his body. Long story short the dogs were taken and it took us four hours to find the facility. We still arrived there before the catchers who stopped for lunch, leaving the 15 or so dogs in the van. We watched their every move as they unloaded the dogs and the cowards were too scared to come out of the back area to where we were. They had agreed to meet us at a point we knew before reaching the facility and give us our dogs. We stood in the parking lots and waved as they looked at us and drove by. Needless to say we were furious once we finally found the facility. If we didn't have a Romanian interpreter, whom one of my men had befriended, we never would have found the place. The best part is the head of the contractor said we wouldn't find it when we were still at the base, and knowing that he still made the catchers take our dogs. For the sake of keeping this clean I have no words to say about him. We let him know it was a bad idea to cross us every time we see him. His time here since then has been a bit uncomfortable in the chow hall. My men had stuck by me and done whatever it took to get these dogs safely to the States. They showed me true character and I'm honored to have them under me. They came with me on the final 3 1/2 hour drive to get the dogs to Bucharest, where Dr. Aurelian and Anelise are located. Without their help and yours we never could have done this. My men and I are grateful beyond words for the help you all have given us.



"I had previously cared for two dogs that were neutered at local vet clinics. The recovery process took at least one week, they had large scars and even allergic reactions. During the spayathon I managed to get a stray dog from my neighborhood to be spayed. After four days you can't even notice at first that she had a surgery performed on her, that's how small the scar is."


IULIA, Focsani, Romania

Every time that I asked them to help with free sterilizations in our region they, over 2500 dogs and cats are sterilized, we stoped so many unwanted births, we stopped the suffering. I hope that this is the beginning of a change in the life of animals and also in the life of the humans...By sterilizing 1 we save 100!!!



As an active supporter and volunteer of RAR I am now in Romania participating in my third campaign I can only say that this organization is the best I have known with their priority always being the welfare of the animals. I feel so very proud to be part of RAR.



After traveling in Romania in 2005 and experiencing the incredible number of hungry street dogs, I returned home and searched for rescue groups. I was surprised to find a Romanian rescue group in Livermore, California and immediately made a phone call. I have watched the then, somewhat small, organization grow and constantly accomplish more with each year. I cannot speak more highly of this wonderful organization and the people involved.



RAR/HAH/ASNI do an outstanding work in Romania and many other countries. I have volunteered and was very impressed and in awe at the perfection of the surgeries. The team is highly dedicated and is relentlessly bringing awareness to the problem of strays by also distributing free brochures. I have rarely met a charity that works at that level of dedication and efficiency.



Oscar and I have visited the spay and neutering clinics in Romania and they are INCREDIBLE! Nancy gives her all for these animals (Romania Animal Rescue) and the team at 'base camp' are the most dedicated team of vets in the world- Woof.



Exceptionally dedicated team of people! Every penny is spent on the animals and making sure they get the care, love and attention they need. The staff go above and beyond and not only help the animals, but also the local people who cannot afford the treatment they need. Great stuff guys, very proud of you indeed. Continue doing what you do


 We volunteered at the campaign in Sliven and it was an amazing experience! It was great to see so many people dedicated to helping the local animals, looking forward to helping again next year!



LELIA CREANGA, Iasi, Romania

I have been working with RAR / ASNI since 2010, taking part and organizing spay / neuter campaigns and also running an educational program for schools for 1 year. RAR has proved along the years to be that charity that helps impoverished people and their pet companions, that amazing charity working as hard as possible to prevent cruelty and abandonment, going places where others wouldn't believe was possible. Thanks to RAR / ASNI Romanian stray dogs and cats will have their top-performing Homeless Animals Hospital, a brilliant project meant to alleviate suffering, to improve the welfare of our dogs and cats, a center of outstanding vet services provided by professional compassionate vets, a beacon of light for all us witnessing the plight of our beloved animals! I am grateful and very proud to be part of the RAR / ASNI team, thus being able to really help the Romanian animals! Respect to the entire RAR / ASNI team of vets, techs, nurses, volunteers and program coordinators, to all RAR / ASNI amazing donors and supporters!



We volunteered with the campaign in October 2018, in Sliven Bulgaria.  It was an amazing event from start to finish.  When we first entered the pop up clinic we could not believe how well everything was prepared and thought out. The cages for the animals were beautifully lined with cosy blankets and even foil wrap for the cats. The dog beds were plush and cosy, at the end of the day they looked very tempting for a lie down!  The whole operation was ran so smoothly, it was clear everyone knew what had to be done and how best to execute it. The vets and vet techs were incredible, their work was amazingly tidy, quick and they showed compassion, care and love to each and every animal. All animals were checked in and out much like a hotel, their travel cages were cleaned and made cozy for their journey home. An incredible lunch was provided for all staff and volunteers. It was amazing experience and we can't wait to do it all over again!

LUMANITA, Craiova, Romania

Passion, dedication, professionalism!  Great team, great leader, great job!  Love and thank them! 


MADA SPATARU, Jilava, Romania

Dear Nancy and RAR donors,
On behalf of myself and the volunteers at Jilava shelter, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making our dream possible - a shelter with no more pups to die from shelter diseases, lack of proper attention and violence not even we can prevent. Please know your hard earned money really did make a difference, reaffirming our commitment to provide a safe corner for the 70 forgotten souls that reside in our shelter. Not having to constantly worry about unwanted births and mating fights, we are now able to focus on riding the shelter of skin diseases like mange and identifying sources of constant food four our dogs, all of the above being part of a larger project that aims to spay the majority of dogs in and around Jilava, in an effort to limit the stray population and increase their quality of life. Once again, words can't express our gratitude. We hope our results will. Thank you for allowing us to become a part of the RAR family.

MANDY EASTER, RAR Volunteer, London, UK

A Pioneering charity for Romanian dogs, their excellence as a team of veterinarians, vet techs and volunteers is only surpassed by their sheer devotion and love of animals. Staff go above and beyond the call of duty when an animal is in need. They now have a state of the art Veterinary hospital where their supremacy of skills can flourish without boundaries when funds allow. I have been a part of this charity for many years and i can honestly say i am truly honoured to be so. Thankyou to an amazing team of people for setting the baseline for veterinary care in Romania, and teaching so many others their skills and knowledge. This charity is the most amazing organisation I have ever known, I cannot praise RAR enough!  They are the ONLY charity in Romania focusing on the roots of the stray dog problem, and they do this in an honest, professional manner at all times!!

MANUELA, Bucharest, Romania

They are doing a wonderful, professional work for homeless animal in Romania. I should say titanic work because in a country where, unfortunately, kindness and tolerance are very rare, RAR and Aurelian Stefan are trying hard, day and night, to help the poor souls in need and danger. I try to help them every month because I trust them, I see the results of their's work and with them I still have hope that world will become a bearable place for animals. In same time, they constantly educate peoples to neuters their animals as best solution to stop all this suffering. So, congratulations and my respect for all your work!


Dear Animal Spay Neuter International team, We’re writing this letter to express our overwhelming gratitude to you for the seminar that you held in Bulgaria, Gavrailovo, on October 28th 2015. We understand that you are very busy – there are animals who need help all over the world - and yet you took the time to sit down with us to give us a part of the knowledge that you have worked so hard to acquire over the years. It is the hard fact that one cannot fully learn a new surgical technique in a day. And yet the seminar was a great success for us. Everything about that day was helpful and educational – from the beginning, when you taught us how to perform the surgery, to the very end, when you taught us about humanity as you carefully put every animal in a basket and covered it with a warm blanket. It is fascinating how you have performed tens of thousands of surgeries and have learned the method to perfection but still never rush a surgery and always put your patient’s wellbeing above all else. We’d like to thank you for your patience with us, for the way you treated us – always being kind and always with a smile on your face. Every little detail that you explained to us or we picked up on our own was of real importance to us and taught us something. We were greatly impressed by the way you keep all your working areas spotless and sterile, by the way you perform such a tricky surgery from an incision that tiny and by the fact that everything about your work is so well organized. Your visit to our country was not only helpful for keeping the stray dog population down, but also for us as future surgeons. The seminar not only taught us a lot, but it also inspired us. We discuss the techniques you showed us, we read about them, we practice them. We now have more knowledge and more confidence when we perform a surgery and because of that, our patients are safer, which is the best and most important part of all. All of us are looking forward to your return in Bulgaria, you are always welcome here. Expressing our gratitude, Martin Todorov, Viktoria Karamanova, Angelina Kesova and Filiz Zeynelova


This charity has worked miracles in Romania. Conducting almost 100k spay/neuters since inception has drastically reduced the street dog population. Also, they have worked hard to educate the people on taking care of or animals. One amazing women from the USA started this organization that is now recognized all over and they are being asked by other countries to come and help with their spay and neutering. Amazing work !



Romania Animal Rescue is an incredible charity that has saved, spayed and neutered numerous abandoned and abused animals in Romania. Nancy Janes, the founder is a generous and selfless individual who has dedicated her efforts to help and educate the Romanians on how to safely diminish the stray population in Eastern Europe.



This is the first solid initiative I finally see in Romania. Thank GOD for it. Their procedures are amazing. We have had Dr. Petrisor over for a spay & neuter day of several pets. Basically no scar left, no need to bandage the animal like they do when they open them up in a much more dramatic way, and the pet is up and about in a very short time.


I want to thank you all the donors who are supporting us with the free S/N program in Tecuci. Thanks to your generosity here, in Tecuci, are increasingly fewer puppies and kittens. We cannot be happier to see the difference on the streets from this point of view. I talked to the mayor and asked him if he saw puppies on the streets as he used to. His answer surprised me a little bit and my ears were so happy ! You don`t hear every day a mayor from Romania telling the Spay/Neuter Program is good and we see less dogs on the streets, believe me! He admitted there is a very big difference between before the castrations of the dogs with owner and after the castrations. He thanked to all the people evolved in this great project and told me he hopes we will not stop now! We make the difference and it is very important to go on! Our mayor promised he will continue, too, the castration of stray dogs and I think this make all of us very happy. We are so grateful to all good and loving people who donated for Romania Animal Rescue and we are also so grateful to Nancy Janes because she answered to our animal`s needs! God, we are so lucky she exists in this world and we met her! Thank you every body for all you support and involving! Neuter/Spay, No More Strays!



Best people in rescue in Romania, selfless countless hours dedicated to saving innocent souls  Thank you for being you



What is RAR?  A miracle that has happened for Romania. This organization of wonderful people with gold hearts lives and devotes their lives for animal welfare. For many years they have crossed tirelessly the whole country for spay and neutering stray dogs and cats and helping animals in need.  It is hard to imagine the disaster that would have been without their work?  When someone asks for help, they never refuse any.

Respect and admiration for lady Nancy and Mr. Rory Janes, for exceptional veterinarians, foreign and Romanian volunteers, for all donors and the entire team for your dedication and work.   God bless you!


I was at the spayathon in Craiova and Dr. A and his team are doing a fantastic job, they are helping a lot the dogs in Romania and I am glad I met them, since then I never stopped using them as a vet for my animals and for the strays in my care also. Keep up the good work Dr. A and Nancy Janes.


As an active supporter of RAR I have volunteered at various spay and neuter campaigns and have seen with my own eyes the amazing work the RAR team does.  Besides providing free spay/neuter surgery for homeless animals and animals of poor owners, they also provide education as to how people should take care of their animals and train other vets in their operating techniques.  RAR/ASNI is now building a clinic near Bucharest to be able to help even more animals. Keep up the good work!



Dear Nancy, dear Dr. Aurelian, dear Dr. Petrisor,

Thank you very much for the fantastic and very useful training you offered for the two vets from Cluj.
Trough this message we would like to express our deepest gratitude and thousands of thanks again!

The two girls. volunteers of NUCA Ioana and Alice that has been at the training in Craiova with your team came back amazed and they cant stop speaking about it! They were powerfully impressed by the professionalism of your team, the way things go day by day in the clinic, the teaching methods and pretty much everything else.  During their university studies of 6 years they have not imagine that in Romania are such doctors and veterinary care can be made on such a high level. We also knew that RAR veterinarians rule and there are the best as professionals and also as human character, since we met them on the spaying marathons we did together! So we were aware that such a training is something we cannot find in Romania and only in a little places of the whole world. Therefore we would like to thank you again and again for making reality out of our wish: have not only one, but two vets that know how to neuter and spay at the highest level!  We would like to say that this training you had the kindness to offer will become a huge impact on the dogs & cats that need sterilization, as you might already know! There are so many dogs and cats with or without owner that needs this surgery and so less veterinarians that know or want to do it, and of these, even less that can do it safely and which such professionalism that RAR is teaching! Until now our deepest regret regarding RAR is that you are based in Craiova, not in Cluj or in every other city! We knew that is very hard to reach whole country and we were happy when your team came here, sad because they could only stay few days and not more. Now that you "gifted" us with two trained vets, our association will struggle to increase the number of spayed animals. Your activity in Romania is a blessing and no one can express in words how much you did and do! Among this, training the vets we consider to be very important as will bring changes in the life of animals in need. Thank you so much, again and again, for each minute of the training and we thank you and think of you every time our vets, trained by your team, will make a sterilization!  We wish you the best that a person could get in life, full health and lots of power to be able to continue your astonishing work! Sincerely your, NUCA Team, Alina Banu and Iuliana Zuber and of course Ioana Sonea and Alice Calin - the 2 well trained vets.


We would like to express our huge thanks to you and RAR team for choosing to organize the Spay/Neuter campaign in Pro Animals Romania animal shelter between 2-4th of April 2012. Pro Animals Romania has about 600 rescued animals in its care and have been running - in the measure of our limited financial possibilities- neutering campaigns for the dogs during the past years since 2000 as well as intense adoption and school education programs. We were so happy to hear about the 150 free spaying offered by RAR!
It was such a great thing to be able to celebrate the World Stray Animals Day on 4th of April together by offering free spaying to Tg-Jiu community. Although the schedule was very crowded that days, it was all worth it!  I was so happy to see so many owners bringing their pets to be neutered, meaning that they really understood the importance of neutering as the only way to reduce suffering and as the only efficient and humane way to limit stray dogs population! I have tried to schedule everyone for spay so that we can run our programs without problems but people continued to come with pets asking to have them spayed. Also, so many people were calling asking if we have more free places that I had to start a new 'waiting list' for next similar campaign.  We also announced local mass-media about this event so reporters and journalists came in Pro Animals shelter in such a big number, interested in the campaign. They filmed, they took photos and interviews to RAR medical team, PAR president as well as to pet owners.  In total there were 90 animals spayed : 77 females, 5 males, and 8 cats.

Besides the neutering there appeared a case that was successfully solved by RAR medical team. A female from the public shelter was neutered by the vet from the City Hall Shelter one week before the Neutering Campaign. During this period we saw she was feeling bad so we took her into our shelter to treat and supervise her. Next morning we came at shelter, but before the neutering's start we saw her cage full of blood and she was covered in blood as well, having her intestines out as the sutures broke. As she was very weak already, lost lot of blood and part of intestines eaten, her case became an emergency one. After the anesthesia the surgery started and it took some time until everything was done. Taking into account what she passed through surgery was just the first - and most important - step for her recovery. Although at the beginning chances for her to live were so small, luckily because of the successful surgery and good postoperative care in just few days her health started to improve and now she is fully recovered. Big thanks to RAR medical team for this successful case.

Thank you RAR team for offering free Neutering/Spaying campaigns and do such a great work! By offering free neutering/spaying to owners that can't afford to go to a private vet and would otherwise abandon the unwanted litters on the streets that most of them would suffer to death, you make such a difference for the life of those animals! Keep up the good work!



Many thanks to RAR donors for their help, we are happy that we have a chance to change the situation of the strays and to educate the people to spay/neuter their animals, this being the only efficient method to control the strays population and their unwanted breeding! And the results are already showing! There are less dogs on the streets of Vatra Dornei! And I am proud that I could be of help! We constantly need this kind of campaigns in order to change people's mentality and to reduce the number of the strays till all them have a house and no dog lives on the streets!


I appreciate your hard work and dedication, the results are unexpected. It is visible that things are getting better on the road. Sorry I do not have the power to join you physically. Congratulations lovely people!


RAR is one of the most serious and dedicated organizations, with a long established involvement in the Romanian animal welfare. They run continuous spay and neuter projects all over Romania, with long term effects on the desperate situation of stray animals. Besides the spay and neuter, education is very important , both for children, adults and veterinarians. The medical team is one of the top medical team, who provides superior medical care to dogs and cats, at a very high standard. So we are grateful to RAR, Nancy and Rory Janes, the team and volunteers, who dedicate so much to Romanian animals and so much has been achieved in the years RAR has activated in Romania. Thank you, Romania Animal Rescue!


I have been a happy donor of Romania Animal Rescue since 2006. RAR has grown in size and donations, yet they have remained a grass-roots organization. Because of this more of my donation goes to the animals instead of administrative costs. I donate to RAR because they are making a difference in the communities of Romania. 

RAR & ASNI - An amazing collaboration of animal welfare and cruelty prevention in its finest form. As are the team of professional vets and vet techs! These two charities are performing miracles in the prevention of unwanted strays across Romanian and the rest of the world! I have worked as a volunteer on many occasions, the work ethics of the entire team are simply the best i have ever seen! The honesty and meticulous approach to everything within charity, is of the highest standard, and is a reflection of their ongoing achievements & success! KEEP ON DOING THE AMAZING WORK!!



“As a qualified and registered veterinary nurse from the UK I was amazed at the high standards that could be and are achieved on these campaigns. It is an honor to work with some of the top spay and neuter vets in the world. The caretakers who bring the animals for neutering take care of them in the days following surgery. Complications are rare because of the surgical techniques used and skill of the surgeons (who are Romanian vets). People are free to come and see us in action and usually at least one local TV film crew come and film us at most events. In towns where the authorities are supportive and the people understand you can really see the difference. In Craiova the majority of dogs seem to have a pink ear-tag. If I did not support the work I have seen by this group I would not have left the UK and moved to Romania".



I have just returned to the UK after spending 3 days with one of your teams helping with a spayathon in Bacau County. I would just like to say thank you to the vets and technicians for the experience, which is something I will never forget. I was so impressed by their skill & dedication. They all worked so hard during the three days I spent with them. I'm sure people who donate to your cause would be interested to know that I have seen, and can confirm, that their donations are being put to good use, helping to alleviate the chronic overpopulation of stray dogs in Romania. The work your organization does is absolutely vital if there is to be any chance of successfully dealing with the problem.


RAR work in Romania is HUGE. It just cannot be matched, there is no comparison. I said it before, I will repeat it: in its current situation, given the number of stray dogs and the improper management of the problem by the authorities, Romania cannot afford to lose this HUGE partner.


It’s been four and a half years since Speranta Pentru Animale completed the first RAR sponsored spay/neuter program and in the span of this period there were also three Spayathons (the first of them probably the largest event of this kind that ever took place in Romania ) and several other RAR sponsored programs. Thinking of all these I realized how many things have changed due to the RAR campaigns and the free s/n programs hosted by the Family Vet clinic . I remember the first time I took a stray dog , a female , to be spayed . It was in 1995 and the experience , which I prefer not to describe in detail , was so gruesome , that , despite my conviction that it was a very necessary step, a “must” in order to protect the lives of stray dogs , it took me two years before I could gather enough mental strength to take another female to be spayed in a vet practice recently opened at that time . It was closer to what it should be and since then I have been involved constantly in this volunteer activity . But it was only years later , when we got the chance of meeting the wonderful vets of the RAR team, doctor Aurelian Stefan and doctor Petrisor Stefan that my efforts and those of other animal lovers in Craiova , who struggled to find a humane method for stray dogs population control, reached a scale that we could have only dreamed of . Beyond the very obvious benefits of the thousands ( and this is not a typing error ) of s/n ‘s done in these last four years since our collaboration has started , which meant curbing down the strays population , there are other things that have changed that are not always noticed since they don’t have a statistic or quantitative nature . First of all RAR campaigns have spread a new mentality towards s/n in itself as surgical procedure , they shattered some cultural barriers that kept people away , like some unwanted consequences for the health of the animals , or radical modifications of behavior following s/n . Years ago I kept hearing these arguments even from people who had a certain level of education . I can say that I rarely hear these arguments again today. Bearing in mind what I have said about how s/n was done before, I know that RAR campaigns have set a standard regarding anesthesia protocol , the sterile work , the quality of suture materials . These methods were copied and this resulted in progress of the medical act even for some vets who would not admit they “stole “ it . The RAR team of doctors of vet techs is growing steadily , I can say that a new generation of fine professionals is growing under our own eyes . This means RAR is actually filling a gap in the system , it takes over where the official veterinarian educational system still fails to produce skilled and dedicated professionals. One other benefit derived from the intense collaboration with RAR is that during these very special events the real “ roll-up sleeves volunteers “ were tested and selected. Some have started from zero , with no previous knowledge or experience about s/n and they are now enthusiastic “preachers “, showing the way to many others . By bringing together at RAR campaigns so many people who shared interest and love for their own animals and for stray animals too , there was the perfect opportunity to meet, to talk , to exchange views and hopes and in many cases afterwards to work together So, in an unseen way , RAR has also contributed to the formation of rescue groups , not only ours , but others across the country as well . The members of Speranta Pentru Animale team consider it a privilege to be so closely associated with Romania Animal Rescue and will strive to rise to the expectations . With new projects ahead , like the October Spayathon , we are once again looking forward to a testing but hopefully successful event that will continue all the great work of the previous years.



I was lucky enough to attend a Spay campaign held in Craiova in 2016, also in outlying villages in Romania, using a mobile clinic, for a week, where approximately 350 animals were spayed/neutered, a very important Campaign, as are all of them, as it reduces unnecessary births, and stops animals from suffering through being born. The Teamwork was amazing, from qualified Veterinary Surgeons, Nurses, Volunteers such as myself, also the local people who are coming to an understanding of why this work is so important, through Campaigns such as this, all pulling together with the same goal in prevent suffering. I was amazed at just how organized everything was, from checking in every animal, which was numbered, to ensure it was returned to the correct owner, right through to recovery, where animals were closely monitored to ensure no harm came to them. Every animal was given flea treatments, also groomed , which was a feat in itself, as I discovered myself...some of these animals came off the streets, and had never seen a brush..! The cleanliness of everything was second to none, considering some circumstances, with the Mobile clinic being in someone's yard/garden, everything was sterilized between operations, everyone had their own job to do, to reduce infection, close communication was key to this. A small Tattoo was made on each animal after spaying, as an indication that the animal had been neutered, so in cases where an animal is rehomed/lost, it shows that animal has been spayed/neutered...with Females, its more difficult, as until they are under anesthetic, and on the operating table, there is no way of telling if they have been spayed. Trainee Vets were invited along, to gain experience to further their careers, they were closely watched, every step was overseen by a qualified vet, some I met as Trainees, are now fully qualified, and now work alongside those that mentored them, hopefully passing on their skills to the next generation of Veterinary Surgeons. Attached are some photos I took whilst volunteering, I still continue to support this cause.


It is an honor and a privilege to say I have just actively taken part for the third time in a spay campaign with RAR. The standard of work, the care shown the animals and the respect for others is second to none. RAR is changing the attitude towards not only sterilization but the general wellbeing of animals up and down Romania. They are without a doubt carrying out the most important work within animal welfare.

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